To all mothers in every circumstance, including those who struggle- and all will- I say “Be peaceful. Believe in God and yourself. You are doing better than you think you are.” -Jeffrey Holland I grew up in an environment where women are empowered. My mom single-handedly raised us when my father died. I was only 6 that time, my younger brother at 4. Life was hard but I didn’t know that because my mother was able to conceal the ugly side of life. Fast forward to present and I am now a mother myself. My daughter will be turning 3 this May and so far, I’m still able to cope up with the hustle and bustle of motherhood. Wow! Life’s pretty amazing and chaotic with a toddler. Being a millennial mom, these are the things that I’ve learned and experienced that I want to share with you. If you are a mother yourself, I know you can relate with these. If you are expecting or planning to have kids in the future, these might give you an idea of what awaits you. #1. A baby i...
![Mga Kwento Ni Nanay](
Mga Kwento Ni Nanay is a blog where I share my life experiences as a daughter, wife, mother, financial advisor, and a friend. This blog aims to give support to other Filipino mothers who only want the best for their family. Different ideas and constructive criticisms are very much welcome. Let us help uplift each other, power Nanays!